Monday, 28 January 2013

Stage design and production Notes

Proscenium stage (picture frame)
-       4th wall
-       Rake
-       Orchestra
-       Fly loft
-       Apron
-       Pit
-       Traps/Revolve/Slipstage
-       Cyclorama
-       Scrim

Thrust Stage
-       Stage that comes out into the audience
-       Globe theatre

Arena Stage
            - Audience around the stage

Black Box/ Found Theatre Spaces

Choices in theatre design
            The Metaphorical/Symbolic:
-       Universal condition
-       Capture the symbolic/Kindle the universal subconscious by using a VISUAL METAPHOR
-       Levels of meaning to stimulate REFLECTION
            The Aesthetic/Harmonic
-       Expectations to meet
-       Ambience to reinforce mood or style of interpretation
-       Subtle and not interfere or dominate the SYMBOLIC           
                                    Examples: period style architecture/fine art/      colour/balance/levels/shape/relationships/etc.
            The Practical
-       Elements of time and space
-       Time-pacing and rhythm of dramatic environment
-       Interfere between sculptural (static) and live movement of actors (kinetic)
-       The rhythm and pace of movement of actors can be influences by the practical choices of designers (ex: size of step/position of door)

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