Saturday, 12 January 2013

Production roles for Good Soul: Costumes

- Leader
- Characteristics of each character that should be reflected in their costumes (personalities, status, gender, occupation, occasion, ect.)

- Finding appropriate fabrics and swatches
- Lines, shapes, silhouettes, ect.
- Accessories
- Simple designs for each character

- Background on Brechtian costumes

  • Costume changes on stage or visible to the audience
  • Minimalistic costumes with one or two distinct pieces. Fragmentation
  • Alienation Effect
  • Not allowing the audience to "get comfortable" with the performance
  • The overall image should be simple and not have much details but then have a main object that is in intense detail. (e.g. The wagon in Mother Courage)
- Makeup 
  • Minimalistic makeup.
  • My idea is that the only characters with elaborate makeup will be the Gods (Or perhaps even everyone). Traditional, pale makeup with the really sharp eye makeup designs used traditionally in China. This will symbolise the fact that they are not human and contrast sharply against their casual clothing that we plan to use (suits or something formal). This will create an alienation effect (especially if we choose to give everybody white makeup. Still undecided)
  • Other simple makeup effects will be wrinkles, dirt, ect.


  1. Hi Emma, This needs to go into more detail so I know exactly what you are planning to do for your final presentation as well. 15/20

    1. Hi Mrs Moon.
      I've expanded a bit to my pitifully short post that I had previously :)
