- Was in Mrs moons english class
- Always been a fan of movies
- realised that it was a mode of artistic expression
- Films have a direct "conversations" to the audience
- wanted to be involved in the arts in some way
- Teaching yourself
- building something from the ground up - Wheeling something into existence
- Don't necessarily need to go to school for film - Meeting people and building a portfolio
- learn by working on a lot of short projects
- Forming friendships with people - find people that you click with and these are people that you're friends with and people that give you jobs
- You can't learn to be a great artist
- Need to have life experience in order to make film (but also in any art)
- film acting is very different from stage actor
- Film and artistic projects teaches you skills that are useful in so many other places (e.g. film graduate going to study business)
- "Film makers should be politicians" - so good at problem solving on a grand scale
- job is just to interpret a text visually
- cinematographer - photographer
- production designer - building what you're looking for
- producer - over seeing everything
- Working all the jobs on set because you wanna be full bodied
- Going into these depths of despair - satisfied when it's done
- If it's easy it's not good.
- Art is not a neat process - Every play is messy and angsty but it'll be great at the end.
- Tough times are worth it
- You just have to finish it
- You have to have output in order to be an artist
- Just to make a movie is insanity
- For a movie to be good is a miracle
- It's more about preparing beforehand
- It's all about collaborating there's no such thing as "autor"
- If you let people do their job you'll get the best out of it
- You have to come really prepared
- You have to know materials to use (stage glass, after effects, etc.)
- It's better to have people hate something than neutral
- Indie - made outside of the industry
- Money has huge effect on how something turns out to look
- Vertigo (can only be told as a movie. is what it is because it's a movie)
- 2000 space odyssey
- Mirror
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