Taken by Jonathan Sheldrick
I've become more open and less self conscious of myself when trying new things and performing.
Taken by Joel Benson
I've gained a larger appreciation of all the work that goes into theatre productions as well as learning so much in acting and costumes and even in other production elements that weren't necessarily mine.
Screenshot taken from video recorded by Annie Riach (IBTA classmate)
Taken from http://www.dellarte.com/show.aspx?sid=9&id=10
Masked Theatre
Physical Theatre
*find a photo from the Butoh workshop*
Masked and physical theatre has taught me the importance of body movement and how stories can be told without the need for the face and for words. It has made me more away of my body while performing and has also help me boost my confidence.
Taken from http://www.brechtsociety.org/
Brecht, being one of the first practitioners I learnt about in detail, help me realise that theatre MAKES change and is important in our world. It's a commentary for everything happening at that time yet still stay relevant regardless of time.
Designed and Taken by me
Being a Costume designer for the Good Soul of Szechuan was one of most challenging thing I'd had to do this year in IBTA. I started off not knowing what to do at all but after a lot of trial and error my fellow costumers and I were able to pull together all the costumes (although I still regret the fact that I could've done a lot better).
*Can I use a photo of Sarah, Luke Treadaway and I to signify my learning from the shows I saw during my summer with my knowledge learnt from IBTA?*
Why Theatre?
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot was the first play that I was part of an encountered that I realised that theatre and plays were for a much bigger reason than just entertainment and just as an escape mechanism. It's a medium to get people to think about the world and their lives and the reason for their existence (as all art is). It made people think about their faith. It made me question faith and truly think about why I chose the beliefs that I have. I went in thinking "it's just another religious story" but after watching it and being part of it I realised the importance of the message it had and that the intentions of the play was to get the audience to think. I felt my first "scorched moment" during a rehearsal of this play. Even though it's not an uplifting story, the response that we got from the audience was one of the best responses I'd ever seen during my time at SFS and we had some members come for two, even three, night.
Glass Sculpture by Christopher Ries
I chose my symbol for my growth to be this glass sculpture by artist Christopher Ries.
I chose this because of the effect that it has on light and the effect that light has on it (light being the world of theatre and the sculpture being me). This piece of art work is extremely beautiful but it wouldn't be so if it weren't for the light that passes through it and the effects that happen within the sculpture. The way the light reflect, refracts and splits into many colours changes as the positioning of the light and the sculpture changed. I feel like theatre has been the same way with me. It brings out the most in me. I find myself working the hardest when I'm doing something theatre related and that's what I find beautiful. Whenever I'm studying a new form of theatre it is reflect and refracted within me in a new way. When I'm being pushed or pushing myself into a new situation (whether it be taking on the main role in the IB play, taking part of the Butoh workshops or being left alone to come up with an idea for a performance all by myself) I find that I am pushed into doing new things, alter previous ideas that I had, having to accomodate other people and learning to work as a team, etc. In addition to theatre having all these effects on my internally and externally, I like to think that I'm also bringing something new to the world of theatre. Although, like the small amount of light that is shone outside of the sculpture, the amount that I have to offer to theatre is small, it is still something and that important because if there is one important thing that I have learnt during IBTA it is that theatre is collaboration. It is the merging of all the reflected and refracted lights of everybody involved.
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