Monday, 3 June 2013

Angura (underground) japanese theatre presenation

Angura Theatre - Underground movement
  • Underground theatre
  1. Anti american sentiments
  2. Discontentments toward Shingeki Theatre Conforming to Western Ideal

Shingeki means New Theatre
After WWII - forced japanese to open their eyes to, not only politics, but art and culture
Started to conform to the western ideals: realism stanislavske, humanism, proscenium stage, adaption of western plays (anton checov)

History: upbringing of angora
  • new movement of the arts
  • against the renewal of the japanese american treaty in 1960
  • Zengarukan student led organisation
    • violence
  • Rodosha engeki hyogikai - working people's theatre
  • Major angora groups: - kurotento or black tent company, jokyo geikijo or the situational theatre by kara juro, the tenjo sajiki of terayama shoji, the tenkei gekijo or the theatre of transformation, the waseda shogekijo or waseda little theatre by tadashi suzuki - SCOT
  • Rituals: relations
    • Kara Juno "Karaqa kojiki" riverbed beggars, kabuki theatre
  • Rituals: historical impact
    • The fight for independence
    • Shingeki - "selling out"
    • Western ideals
    • "against our people"
  • Counter-cultural - violent
  • Search for meaning, search for beauty
Oto shogo: Passicity, life is journey from birth to death, distance audience to give them perspective, silence, stillness, etc.
Kara Juro: rejected the tradition "western" stage, Beauty of the human spirit (stayed away for political plays), Flexability in appreciating beauty
Terayama Shuji: Day to day routine id meaningless, "more intense and meaningful" reality, transcendent experience for audience

Theatre was based off of the violet student riots

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