Sunday, 19 May 2013

The Pajama Game

I've always really just had pure fun with musicals but, for some reason, this particular musical was a totally different experience from the past few musicals that I've been in. It's not that I didn't enjoy it, I did enjoy it. A lot. The musical was really fun, the songs were beautiful and the cast was awesome, but I found myself just completely stressed out and exhausted by the entire process. A lot of this was, of course, me and my own problems and my own school work and all the various assessments that IB requires. I also think that by being in IBTA, I have begun to take productions more seriously that I had previously and think about the production elements and the actual context of the story more that I had before. It might also be that fact that it's much more of a serious musical that Back to the 80's was and therefore it was more tricky to do it justice portraying these characters (that, as we discussed, although seemed light on the surface had all these layers of problems that followed the war) and performing the music and dances in a way that doesn't work against the actors and the way they portrayed their characters.

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