Sunday, 3 February 2013

4 More Days Until the Good Soul

Christian and Kevin being daredevils
and adjusting Lights
This past weekend we've made some incredible progress on the set. Especially considering almost half our cast was away or sick.
I'm proud of how far we've come but I can't help but be so paranoid that we haven't done enough or even feel like we haven't accomplished anything at all! And I know that's not true because we've all worked super hard!! Shout out to Annie for being an amazing artist and leader in Mrs Moon's and Joel's absence!!! And lighting for getting all their stuff together so well!!

I'm also very, extremely afraid to see how well I'll be remembering my lines this week as I know it is vital for me to have them down. The idea that this is the last week is terrifying me to a point that I feel like not going to school in order to just memorise my lines!
I am also kinda worried for the costumes because we can't really do much with them until everyone's here and brings in all their individual pieces.
Tabacco Shop as of Saturday

Our incredible artiste: Annie!!!
I just hope everything will fall into place in the end and I'm able to perform my best on opening night. I've had a lot of support from my friends, from people in our class and, surprisingly the most comforting, people from the IB yr 2 class.
Chis and Kevin being men and putting up shelves

I can't wait to see how this all ends up in the end. It feels so far away yet so close at the same time.

All helping Annie the art room during lunch time

Georgia painting

1 comment:

  1. Great photos...really shows the process. Thanks for the doing this. It is perfect for your blog. Please share with the class.
